Dispatch is the soul of business, and nothing contributes more to dispatch than method.
Lord ChesterfieldI can hardly bring myself to caution you against drinking, because I am persuaded that I am writing to a rational creature, a gentleman, and not to a swine. However, that you may not be insensibly drawn into that beastly custom of even sober drinking and sipping, as the sots call it, I advise you to be of no club whatsoever.
Lord ChesterfieldPleasure is the rock which most young people split upon; they launch out with crowded sails in quest of it, but without a compassto direct their course, or reason sufficient to steer the vessel; for want of which, pain and shame, instead of pleasure, are the returns of their voyage.
Lord ChesterfieldIn the case of scandal, as in that of robbery, the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief.
Lord Chesterfield