A learned parson, rusting in his cell at Oxford or Cambridge, will reason admirably well upon the nature of man; will profoundly analyze the head, the heart, the reason, the will, the passions, the senses, the sentiments, and all those subdivisions of we know not what ; and yet, unfortunately, he knows nothing of man... He views man as he does colours in Sir Isaac Newton's prism, where only the capital ones are seen; but an experienced dyer knows all their various shades and gradations, together with the result of their several mixtures.
Lord ChesterfieldSpeak the language of the company you are in; speak it purely, and unlarded with any other.
Lord ChesterfieldA joker is near akin to a buffoon; and neither of them is the least related to wit.
Lord ChesterfieldI assisted at the birth of that most significant word "flirtation," which dropped from the most beautiful mouth in the world.
Lord Chesterfield