It is surely one of the curious paradoxes of history that science which professionally has little to do with faith, owes its origins to an act of faith that the universe can be rationally interpreted, and that science today is sustained by that assumption.
Loren EiseleyYou think that way as you begin to get grayer and you see pretty plainly that the game is not going to end as you planned.
Loren EiseleyIt has been said repeatedly that one can never, try as he will, get around to the front of the universe. Man is destined to see only its far side, to realize nature only in retreat.
Loren EiseleyIn the desert, an old monk had once advised a traveler, the voices of God and the Devil are scarcely distinguishable.
Loren EiseleyIt was the failures who had always won, but by the time they won they had come to be called successes.
Loren EiseleyThe need is not really for more brains, the need is now for a gentler, a more tolerant people than those who won for us against the ice, the tiger and the bear. The hand that hefted the ax, out of some old blind allegiance to the past fondles the machine gun as lovingly. It is a habit man will have to break to survive, but the roots go very deep.
Loren Eiseley