The great artist, whether he be musician, painter, or poet, is known for this absolute unexpectedness.
Loren EiseleyIf it should turn out that we have mishandled our own lives as several civilizations before us have done, it seems a pity that we should involve the violet and the tree frog in our departure.
Loren EiseleyYou think that way as you begin to get grayer and you see pretty plainly that the game is not going to end as you planned.
Loren EiseleyOut of the choked Devonian waters emerged sight and sound and the music that rolls invisible through the composer's brain. They are there still in the ooze along the tideline, though no one notices. The world is fixed, we say: fish in the sea, birds in the air. But in the mangrove swamps by the Niger, fish climb trees and ogle uneasy naturalists who try unsuccessfully to chase them back to the water. There are things still coming ashore.
Loren Eiseley