In reality no food is valued solely for its nutritive power and no garment or house solely for the protection it affords against cold weather and rain.... the demand for goods is widely influenced by metaphysical, religious, and ethical considerations, by aesthetic value judgments, by customs, habits, prejudice, tradition, changing fashions, and many other things.
Ludwig von MisesHow pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government's Treasury Department!
Ludwig von MisesThe mixing of politics and business not only is detrimental to politics, as is frequently observed, but even much more so to business.
Ludwig von MisesThe better an entrepreneur succeeds, the more is he vilified and themore is he soaked by taxation.
Ludwig von MisesPrivate property creates for the individual a sphere in which he is free of the state. It sets limits to the operation of the authoritarian will.
Ludwig von MisesDo the American voters know that the unprecedented improvement in their standard of living that the last hundred years brought was the result of the steady rise in the per-head quota of capital invested? Do they realize that every measure leading to capital decumulation jeopardizes their prosperity?
Ludwig von Mises