When philosophers use a word--"knowledge," "being," "object," "I," "proposition," "name"--and try to grasp the essence of the thing, one must always ask oneself: is the word ever actually used in this way in the language-game which is its original home?--What we do is to bring words back from their metaphysical to their everyday use.
Ludwig WittgensteinCould one imagine a stone's having consciousness? And if anyone can do so-why should that not merely prove that such image-mongery is of no interest to us?
Ludwig WittgensteinA wheel that can be turned though nothing else moves with it, is not a part of the mechanism.
Ludwig WittgensteinOnly when one thinks even much more madly than the philosophers can one solve their problems.
Ludwig WittgensteinThe popular scientific books by our scientists aren't the outcome of hard work, but are written when they are resting on their laurels.
Ludwig Wittgenstein