The only way I can access all my strength is to relax. ... The paradox is that you must learn to be relaxed while using all your power.
Lynda ObstWhen I was starting out, the first women studio heads and writers were just getting into their perches - development execs learning their chops.
Lynda ObstThe key to moving a maybe to a yes is to make the buyer feel as though other buyers have already said yes. ... It helps if it's true, but it never is. No one wants to be the first yes. Why is this? I don't know, but I think it's anthropological.
Lynda ObstOne of our jobs is to keep women working, which we do by keeping women coming to the movies. And doing that means making good, smart, often funny movies that women can identify with-with terrific dialogue we all remember and cherish, and stories that illuminate our lives and decisions and turning points.
Lynda Obst