The only way I can access all my strength is to relax. ... The paradox is that you must learn to be relaxed while using all your power.
Lynda ObstMy sense of Los Angeles was very New York provincial, as in 'all those people are crazy out there' (which they are), and stupid (which they're not), and immoral (it's more interesting than that).
Lynda ObstAlways remember the famous adage about the movie business: You can't make a living, you can only get rich.
Lynda ObstThe lack of women directors is a sad fact of life. Kathryn Bigelows thrilling Best Director win may help turn things around.
Lynda ObstTrue power is invisible and impeccable, like good taste. It is never clumsy or artless. Powerful people whisper, suggest, seduce, in order to coerce. They only use volume for effect. This is how you can tell a blowhard from a mogul. ... Most powerful people don't need to coerce; their mere presence is coercive.
Lynda Obst