One thing you can be assured of is that God has already worked out all the details of what your obedience will accomplish - and its all good. we need not fear what our obedience will cause to happen in our life. we should only fear what our disobedience will cause us to miss. the sooner this truth resonates in your heart, the quicker you can make peace with a command from God that you dont fully understand.
Lysa TerKeurstRemember who you are. Don't compromise for anyone, for any reason. You are a child of the Almighty God. Live that truth.
Lysa TerKeurstWeakness is hard, but it doesn't have to mean defeat. It's our opportunity to experience God's power firsthand.
Lysa TerKeurstRaw emotions - anger, frustration, bitterness, resentment - are the feelings we tend to hide from people we want to impress but spew on those we love the most.
Lysa TerKeurst