The American is said to become full-flavored, and in time a most all-round man, through the polish which Europe can impart.
M. E. W. Sherwood... the English are very fond of being entertained, and ... they regard the French and the American people as destined by Heaven to amuse them.
M. E. W. SherwoodHow often the Presidency has simply meant that a man shall be abused, distrusted, and worked to death while he is filling the great office, and that he should drop into unmerited oblivion when he has left the White House.
M. E. W. SherwoodWestminster Abbey is nature crystallized into a conventional form by man, with his sorrows, his joys, his failures, and his seeking for the Great Spirit. It is a frozen requiem, with a nation's prayer ever in dumb music ascending.
M. E. W. SherwoodThe House of Lords, architecturally, is a magnificent room, and the dignity, quiet, and repose of the scene made me unwillingly acknowledge that the Senate of the United States might possibly improve its manners. Perhaps in our desire for simplicity, absence of title, or badge of office we may have thrown over too much.
M. E. W. Sherwood