No matter how difficult the trial... we can take comfort in knowing that others before us have borne life's most grievous trials and tragedies by looking to heaven.
M. Russell BallardIt is a shortsighted priesthood leader who doesn't see the value in calling upon the sisters to share the understanding and inspiration they possess.
M. Russell BallardThe Lord is in control. He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis. His purposes will be fulfilled, and someday we will understand the eternal reasons for all of these events. Therefore, today we must be careful to not overreact, nor should we be caught up in extreme preparations, but what we must do is keep the commandments of God and never loose hope!
M. Russell BallardTo innovate does not necessarily mean to expand; very often it means to simplify.
M. Russell Ballard