It is such a great fault to talk too much that, in business and conversation, if what is good is also brief, it is doubly good, and one gains by brevity what one often loses by an excess of words.
Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de SableCriticism should awaken our attention, not inflame our anger. We should listen to, and not flee from, those who contradict us. Truth should be our cause, no matter in what manner it comes to us.
Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de SableSelf-love makes us deceive ourselves in almost all matters, to censure others, and to blame them for the same faults that we do not correct in ourselves; we do this either because we are unaware of the evil that exists within us, or because we always see our own evil disguised as a good.
Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de SableTo be too dissatisfied with ourselves is a weakness. To be too satisfied with ourselves is a stupidity.
Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de Sable