It was almost like fear, in the way it filled me, rising in my chest. It was almost like tears, in how swiftly it came. But it was neither of those, buoyant where they were heavy, bright were they dull.
Madeline MillerHe is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.
Madeline MillerI would still be with you. But I could sleep outside, so it would not be so obvious. I do not need to attend your councils. Iā' 'No. The Phthians will not care. And the others can talk all they like. I will still be Aristos Achaion.' Best of the Greeks. 'Your honor could be darkened by it." 'Then it is darkened.' His jaw shot forward, stubborn. 'They are fools if they let my glory rise or fall on this.
Madeline Miller