Sean looks at me then, his eyes bright, in a way that makes me feel out of sorts. I glare back.
Maggie Stiefvaterif you were really busy, you could almost forget about it, but when you stopped moving, it was murder
Maggie StiefvaterI was suddenly overwhelmed by what an incredible person this boy was, standing in front of me, and by the fact that he was mine and I was his. "Right now," Sam said - and I saw that he held the invoice for today's studio time in his hand, folded into a bird with sun-washed wings - "it's hard to imagine that it is raining anewhere in the world." "From Linger, page 258
Maggie StiefvaterShe breathed. "This is lovely." It was for Adam, not Gansey, but she saw Gansey glance over his shoulder at her.
Maggie Stiefvater