A new humanity will be born, fuller in conception and richer in experience and accomplishments in all fields. Joy of life will belong to every man, love will dominate human society, truth and virtue will reign in the world, peace on earth will be permanent and all will live in fulfillment in fullness of life in God Consciousness.
Maharishi Mahesh YogiThe practice of Transcendental Meditation creates a natural situation in the mind so that the mind entertains right thoughts, useful thoughts, thoughts that are cherished by nature and whose fulfillment is worked out by all the laws of nature.
Maharishi Mahesh YogiAbout humility we speak with an analogy: When the branches are full of fruit, they just bow down.
Maharishi Mahesh YogiI did not become great by association of The Beatles! Beatles make Maharishi great? Pah! It is a waste of thought.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi