Many of them who belong to these countries that were former colonial powers have racist attitudes, but their racist attitude is never displayed to the degree that the America's attitude of racism is displayed. Never.
Malcolm XI believe in human rights for everyone, and none of us is qualified to judge each other and that none of us should therefore have that authority.
Malcolm XBecause The Honorable Elijah Muhammad makes black people brave enough, men enough to defend ourselves no matter what the odds are, the white man runs around here with a doctrine that Mr. Muhammad is advocating the violence when he is actually telling Negroes to defend themselves against violent people.
Malcolm XOne of the main things that I read about it that appealed to me was in Islam a man is honored as a human being and not measured by the color of his skin.
Malcolm XI had begun to read books and things and, in fact, one of the persons who started me thinking seriously was an atheist that I, another negro inmate whom I'd heard in a discussion with white inmates and who was able to hold his own at all levels. And he impressed me with his knowledge, and I began to listen very carefully to some of the things he said.
Malcolm X