Better jobs and housing are only temporary solutions. They are aspects of tokenism and don't go to the heart of the problem.
Malcolm XThe only persons who really changed history are those who changed men's thinking about themselves.
Malcolm XYes, I'm an extremist. The Black race here in North America is in extremely bad condition. You show me a Black man who isn't an extremist and I'll show you one who needs psychiatric attention.
Malcolm XThere is nothing in our book, the Koran, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent.
Malcolm XAt this point I hadn't yet gotten deep into the historic condition that negroes in this country are confronted with, but at that point in my prison studies I, I read, I studied Islam as a religion more so than as I later come to know it in its connection with the plight or problem of Negroes in this country.
Malcolm X