It is harmful to remember previous sins in detail. For if they bring you sorrow, they will estrange you from hope, but if they are remembered without sorrow, they will introduce the previous defilement. If you want to bring to God an uncondemned confession, then don't remember your sins in detail, but manfully endure the suffering that is coming because of them.
Marcus EremitaOne evil receives strength from another. In the same way, good deeds also sprout one from another, and the one in whom they are found grows larger.
Marcus EremitaConquer temptations by the patience and prayer. If you oppose them without these, you will fall all the more severely.
Marcus EremitaDo not attempt to benefit by rebukes one who boasts of his virtues, for he loves to display himself can not be a lover of truth.
Marcus EremitaA man who is enticed by sinful thoughts is blinded by them, and he sees the action of sin in himself, but he can not see the cause of this action.
Marcus Eremita