people coming away from a session with Dr. S. usually looked as if they had had fifty minutes on the anvil with an apprentice blacksmith.
Margaret HalseyI'd like somebody to breed a male, genus homo, who could go and fetch a 12" x 8" black suรจde purse lying in the middle of a white bedspread and not come back looking baffled and saying he couldn't find it.
Margaret HalseyEnglishwomen's shoes look as if they had been made by someone who had often heard shoes described, but had never seen any.
Margaret Halsey... organized religion, in a dominating business society, can do only one of two things. It can either assure the communicant with uneasy bluster that God Himself likes money -- a theory which convinces nobody -- or it can give him an apologetic, halfhearted invitation to go out and get himself crucified.
Margaret Halsey