The business society is interested in training its citizens to make money, and, in this objective, it is often successful. Many of them do make money, and the ones who do not obligingly regard themselves as failures who have wasted the precious gift of life.
Margaret HalseyI'd like somebody to breed a male, genus homo, who could go and fetch a 12" x 8" black suรจde purse lying in the middle of a white bedspread and not come back looking baffled and saying he couldn't find it.
Margaret HalseyEnglishwomen's shoes look as if they had been made by someone who had often heard shoes described, but had never seen any.
Margaret Halseywhen I spoke of having a drink, it was a euphemism for having a whole flock of them.
Margaret HalseyA society struggles to fulfill its best instincts, even as an individual does, and generally makes just as hard going of it. The fight against prejudice is an inevitable process. Man has been warring against his own lower nature ever since he found out he had one, and the battle against intolerance is part of the same old struggle between good and evil that has preoccupied us ever since we gave up swinging from trees.
Margaret Halsey