If you love life you also love the past, because it is the present as it has survived in memory." Translation by David Downie
Marguerite YourcenarSickness disgusts us with death, and we wish to get well, which is a way of wishing to live. But weakness and suffering, with manifold bodily woes, soon discourage the invalid from trying to regain ground: he tires of those respites which are but snares, of that faltering strength, those ardors cut short, and that perpetual lying in wait for the next attack.
Marguerite YourcenarI have never seasoned a truth with the sauce of a lie in order to digest it more easily
Marguerite YourcenarPassion such as hers is all consent, asking little in return. I had merely to enter a room where she was to see her face take on that peaceful expression of one who is resting in bed. If I touched her, I had the impression that all the blood in her veins was turning to honey.
Marguerite Yourcenar