When you take out a loan, what's your obligation other than paying it back? You have no other obligation.
Marine Le PenIf we don't all leave the euro behind, it will explode. Either there will be a popular revolt because the people no longer want to be bled out. Or the Germans will say: Stop, we can't pay for the poor anymore.
Marine Le PenEverybody should be able to choose according to his own values and history, within a European civilization that we all belong to.
Marine Le PenI know very well that the political classes have spread fear among the electorate: Without the euro, the sun will cease shining, the rivers will stop flowing, we will enter an ice age.
Marine Le PenTo be honest, there are many things said about Russia because they have been demonized for years at the behest of the USA. It is part of the greatness of a European country to develop one's own opinion and to not view everything through the US lens. We have no lesson to teach Russia if we concurrently roll out the red carpet to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and China.
Marine Le Pen