To read" actually comes from the Latin reri "to calculate, to think" which is not only the progenitor of "read" but of "reason" as well, both of which hail from the Greek arariskein "to fit." Aside from giving us "reason," arariskein also gives us an unlikely sibling, Latin arma meaning "weapons." It seems that "to fit" the world or to make sense of it requires either reason or arms.
Mark Z. DanielewskiSometimes it's just silent...No sound at all. 'Does that scare you?' Chad nods. 'Why?' asks his father. 'It's like something's waiting.
Mark Z. DanielewskiAnd where there is no Echo there is no description of space or love. There is only silence.
Mark Z. DanielewskiI could see her get all nervous but she was also excited. Nightmares have that quality, don't they?
Mark Z. DanielewskiPrometheus, thief of light, giver of light, bound by the gods, must have been a book.
Mark Z. Danielewski