I wanted to make a site where I wasn't mailing physical things to people, but I was still giving people things, and I would have this relationship with that person, and if that person was interested in the object, they would have to email me and I would send that object digitally to them. So, I wanted the relationship with that person, however brief, and I wanted to spread the digital record of the things I have.
Mary MattinglyYou can carry a photograph with you on a thumb drive, and you can make it bigger or smaller - it's a very malleable form of mass production.
Mary MattinglyThe way that I rationalize making photographs is because you're countering what's offensively mass-produced with something that you just want more people to see.
Mary MattinglyIf everyone used the Internet to share the things they created themselves, what would that look like? I think it makes objects special again. I guess I'm not really advocating for no objects in the world, but rather the idea of creating within our present means.
Mary Mattingly