Children, even if we lose a million dollars, we can recover it. If we lose one second, we cannot get it back. Every moment that we are not remembering God is lost to us.
Mata AmritanandamayiWe live in a calculative world and have a calculative mind, and in such a world, ego dominates.
Mata AmritanandamayiPure love makes you feel as light as a flower. You won't feel any heaviness or burden. Ego creates the burden.
Mata AmritanandamayiTry not to have any break in chanting the mantra even for a moment. Continue repeating the mantra while engaged in any task. Chanting in the mind may not always be possible at first, so in the beginning, practice japa by moving the lips incessantly-like a fish drinking water.
Mata AmritanandamayiChildren, set aside at least half an hour in the morning and in the evening for spiritual practices. After bathing in the morning, a family should sit together and worship. Archana may be performed by chanting the 108 or 1000 Names of Devi or our chosen deity. We can also chant our mantra, meditate or sing hymns at this time.
Mata Amritanandamayi