Just as the right hand comes to dress the wound on the left hand, we should see another person's sorrows as our own and come to his or her aid.
Mata AmritanandamayiWhen you get up in the morning, let your first thought be directed towards God.
Mata AmritanandamayiLove is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life. If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find that the one thread of universal love ties all beings together. As this awareness dawns within us, peace alone will reign.
Mata AmritanandamayiTalking high philosophy often confuses people, but a look from an egoless person can lift the clouds of pain and despair.
Mata AmritanandamayiThere is a lot of difference between offering a garland of flowers bought from a shop and one that we make out of flowers picked from our home garden. When we plant the flowers, water them, pick the flowers, make the garland and take it to the temple, thoughts of God alone live in our minds. The Lord accepts anything offered to Him with intense Love. When we buy a garland at a store and place it on the deity it is only a ceremonial act while the other is a garland of pure devotion and an act of love.
Mata AmritanandamayiMental purity will come through constant chanting of the divine name. This is the simplest way. You are trying to cross the ocean of transmigration, the cycle of birth and death. The mantra is the oar of the boat; it is the instrument you use to cross the samsara of your restless mind, with its unending thought waves. The mantra can also be compared to a ladder that you climb to reach the heights of God realization.
Mata Amritanandamayi