We give physical exercise to the body, but neglect the heart. The exercise for the heart is uplifting the destitute and the suffering.
Mata AmritanandamayiIt is a good practice to write at least on page of mantra daily. Many people get better concentration by writing than by chanting. Try also to inculcate in children the habit of chanting and neatly writing the mantra. This will help to improve their handwriting, too. The book in which the mantra is written should not be thrown around; it should be carefully kept in our meditation or shrine room.
Mata AmritanandamayiWe should fill the syllabuses of schools with lessons about love and compassion.
Mata AmritanandamayiMany people meditate in order that a third eye may open. For that they feel they should close their two physical eyes. They thereby become blind to the world. But the fact is that the third eye will never open. We can never close our eyes to the world in the name of spirituality. Self-realization is the ability to see ourselves in all beings. This is the third eye through which you see, even while your two eyes are open. We should be able to love and serve others, seeing ourselves in them. This is the fulfillment of spiritual practice.
Mata Amritanandamayi