Humility and suffering free a man from all sin; for the first cuts out spiritual passions, and the latter bodily.
Maximus the ConfessorAs long as I remain imperfect and refractory, neither obeying God by practising the commandments nor becoming perfect in spiritual knowledge, Christ from my point of view also appears imperfect and refractory because of me. For I diminish and cripple Him by not growing in spirit with Him, since I am 'the body of Christ and one of its members' (I Cor. 12:27).
Maximus the ConfessorInasmuch as you pray with all your soul for the one who has slandered you, so much will God reveal the truth to them who have believed the slander.
Maximus the ConfessorWhen what has been created in time according to the temporal order has reached maturity, it ceases from natural growth. But when what has been brought about by the knowledge of God through the practice of the virtues has reached maturity, it starts to grow anew. For the end of one stage constitutes the starting point of the next.
Maximus the Confessor