I discovered that some things are written for us. It's not that we can't change our ancestral bearings, or that the path or purpose of any of our lives is really written in stone. But what tends to happen sometimes is the path is so deeply inscribed in the birth that it becomes you and every variation away from it brings you back in ways that you are not controlling.
Maya TiwariYou really look to understanding someone's psyche, and the choices that would best support them, and help to energetically open those areas of their being able to know that everything in life comes to us when our entire organism is clean and clear.
Maya TiwariThe development of personal awareness is the only thing the human person can control, and once we understand that, a lot of the appendages fall away, and we look at purpose and karma and not get besotted by the karmas of other people because we carry them from life to life and year to year and day to day.
Maya TiwariThere is an innate innocence in the concious Vata personality. A delicate, sensitive, and aware nature reveals the graceful Vata component of any type.
Maya TiwariUntil we eliminate the mentality of violence, we will not find the harmony within ourselves we're looking for.
Maya TiwariWhen we look at things as simple as food, it's not about just nourishment and sustaining our life, it is really the seed of our ancestor.
Maya TiwariI am a traditionalist, I'm not a conventional person, but I am a traditionalist in the true form of the word, in that your heart is opening, you're absolutely there for everyone, the face of pain has no tradition, by the way, and in my tradition, a guru simply means the removal of darkness.
Maya Tiwari