If you can't travel to the developing world, look at helping to fund a woman with a small loan and follow her. Learn her story. Learn about the difference that you're making.
Melinda GatesYou are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped.
Melinda GatesI care much more about saving the lives of mothers and babies than I do about a fancy museum somewhere.
Melinda GatesHousework comes first, so girls often fall behind in school. Global statistics show that it's increasingly girls, not boys, who don't know how to read.
Melinda GatesAround the world we have girls in primary school at about the same rate now as boys, but keeping them in quality secondary schools is where the world is lagging. I'm seeing a lot of countries look at this now.
Melinda GatesIt's really one of my all-time favorite things to do. To go out and really see the kids and visit the moms who are in these programs because I think I really get to see what happens on the ground and connect with them about what changes are that happen in their lives because of some of the giving that we're able to do.
Melinda Gates