Few situations - no matter how greatly they appear to demand it - can be bettered by us going beserk.
Melody BeattieOur best problem-solving resource is peace. Solutions arise easily and naturally out of a peaceful state.
Melody BeattieAre you balanced? Do you share your time, your energy, your life, as much with yourself as you do with those around you?. . . . Know your limits. You are one of the most important people you need to look after and love. Balance your time, your energy, your life with those around you. You'll be able to give more freely and joyfully as a result, and you'll be more open to the gifts of the universe. It's not wrong to give to others. But it's okay to say yes to ourselves, too.
Melody BeattieI know when to say no and when to say yes. I take responsibility for my choices. The victim? She went somewhere else. The only one who can truly victimize me is myself, and 99 percent of the time I choose to do that no more. But I need to continue to remember the key principles: boundaries, letting go, forgiveness after feeling my feelingsโnot before, self-expression, loving others but loving myself, too.
Melody Beattie