Acceptance is the magic that makes change possible. It is not forever, it is for the present moment
Melody BeattieLetting go of our ideas about how life should go is a choice that sets life's magic free.
Melody BeattieI used to spend so much time reacting and responding to everyone else that my life had no direction. Other people's lives, problems, and wants set the course for my life. Once I realized it was okay for me to think about and identify what I wanted, remarkable things began to take place in my life.
Melody BeattieAccept yourself. Love yourself just as you are. Your finest work, your best moments, your joy, peace, and healing come when you love yourself. You give a great gift to the world when you do that. You give others permission to do the same: to love themselves. Revel in self love. Roll in it. Bask in it, as you would the sunshine.
Melody Beattie