The people turn in allegiance to Humanity, as surely as water flows downward or as a wild animal takes cover in the wilderness.
MenciusWhen one by force subdues men, they do not submit to him in heart. They submit because their strength is not adequate to resist.
MenciusNever has there been one possessed of complete sincerity who did not move others. Never has there been one who had not sincerity who was able to move others.
MenciusThe great man does not think beforehand of his words that they may be sincere, nor of his actions that they may be resolute- he simply speaks and does what is right.
MenciusWhen the men of antiquity realized their wishes, benefits were conferred by them on the people. If they did not realize their wishes, they cultivated their personal character, and became illustrious in the world. If poor, they attended to their own virtue in solitude; if advanced to dignity, they made the whole empire virtuous as well.