There are so many levels of understanding and experience when it comes to this thing we call love. In our human relationships, it can be vastly complicated. Each of us has our own unique love-history, perceptions, and expectations.
Michael BeckwithGoing back to my mother's passing, there was no way I could hold back my tears or sense of grief at knowing her physical presence left the planet. Working consciously with such an in-my-face overwhelmingly painful loss, I was able to process it to the point of accepting that although my relationship with her would be different, I could still sense and celebrate that there was no separation between our spirits. Being present and open to each stage of grief eventually led to her visiting me in my dreams and a tangible sense of her presence.
Michael BeckwithStop looking outside for help. You're sourced and fuelled and funded by a renewable resource, which is within you. It never runs out. It is your Essence. It's your life.
Michael BeckwithWhen we radiate the warmth of our love-energy, our compassion-energy on the planet, we shine the qualities of our Source!
Michael BeckwithToday, refuse to see yourself as a recipient of negative vibrations or as a victim of subtle or gross influence around you. Practice broadcasting the high vibrations of your inner radiance remembering all the while that the place upon which you stand is holy simply because you are standing there.
Michael Beckwith