Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you.
Michael BeckwithTrust, practice, and then release yourself into the goodness of Existence and your life will prove that what you believe, you see.
Michael BeckwithThe beautiful thing about the law of attraction is that you can begin where you are, and you can begin to think, real thinking, and you can begin to generate within yourself a feeling tone of harmony and happiness. The law will begin to respond to that.
Michael BeckwithThere's an intelligence within the heart that is far bigger than our figuring out the mind.
Michael BeckwithAnd you can break yourself free from your hereditary patterns, cultural codes, social beliefs; and prove once and for all that the power within you is greater than the power that's in the world.
Michael BeckwithThe enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted.... As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, the vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to good in your life.
Michael BeckwithThe point is to create a system where individuals don't work simply for money or personal gain but to support the planet and its inhabitants in entering the next stage of evolutionary progression.
Michael BeckwithStop looking outside for help. You're sourced and fuelled and funded by a renewable resource, which is within you. It never runs out. It is your Essence. It's your life.
Michael BeckwithWhen we have an inner initiation into pure love, we are in contact with our true nature.
Michael BeckwithHappiness and joy are inner qualities that can't be shaken by outer circumstances because they are inherent within the core Self.
Michael BeckwithWhen one begins to really feel into the spiritual dimension of their beings, they bump into love. They bump into compassion. They bump into beauty.
Michael BeckwithGoing back to my mother's passing, there was no way I could hold back my tears or sense of grief at knowing her physical presence left the planet. Working consciously with such an in-my-face overwhelmingly painful loss, I was able to process it to the point of accepting that although my relationship with her would be different, I could still sense and celebrate that there was no separation between our spirits. Being present and open to each stage of grief eventually led to her visiting me in my dreams and a tangible sense of her presence.
Michael BeckwithThere's nothing wrong with us. There's nothing missing in us. Everything is for us and there is nothing against us. Let us remember this together.
Michael BeckwithI've seen many miracles take place in people's lives. Financial miracles, miracles of physical healing, mental healing, healing of relationships.
Michael BeckwithWhen you make the U-turn to the Universal Presence and apply the Universal practices and principles, your life is changed.
Michael BeckwithWhen we shift from negatively complaining to positively affirming, conditions change. Then complaining is no longer the operative law in our life-freedom is.
Michael BeckwithThere's an old saying that God made us in His image, and we've been trying to return the favor ever since. People often view God in a human image. This God changes His mind, gets upset, answers some prayers but not others, loves some people but not others. But even with that limited image, if we pray sincerely, we'll eventually realize that God is changeless. He's the same all the time because He's not in time-time is in Him.
Michael BeckwithLearn to become still. And to take your attention away from what you don't want, and all the emotional charge around it, and place your attention on what you wish to experience.
Michael BeckwithYou can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made.
Michael BeckwithToday, refuse to see yourself as a recipient of negative vibrations or as a victim of subtle or gross influence around you. Practice broadcasting the high vibrations of your inner radiance remembering all the while that the place upon which you stand is holy simply because you are standing there.
Michael BeckwithWhen a caterpillar spins its cocoon, it goes through a transformative process and then emerges as a butterfly. Similarly, when we go through a practice of meditation and prayer, we loosen our egoic grip on a sense of self that is separate from the Whole and become vehicles of the emergent evolutionary paradigm of love, peace , compassion, wisdom, harmony and oneness that seeks expression on the planet.
Michael BeckwithToday, continue to nourish your dreams. Hold fast to your vision and do something every day to bring it into manifestation. Everything is possible in God, because God is the infinite Possibility within everything. Know that you are God's Beloved in whom God is pleased. Never giving up on yourself is what it takes to be your own hero.
Michael BeckwithIf you are not consciously directing your life, you will lose your footing and circumstances will decide for you.
Michael BeckwithIt's a wonderful destiny! God made no mistakes when God wrote the beautiful, unfolding pattern of delight as You!
Michael BeckwithIt has been proven now scientifically that, an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.
Michael BeckwithDo you press the "pause" button - the "until" button in life by saying "I can't be happy until..."? All this accomplishes is a delay in your entry into your innate state of happiness, which is independent of outer circumstances. So press the "play" button and rejoice in the now-ness of the moment!
Michael BeckwithSo as you are beginning your day anchor yourself in the truth. Know that all is well. Extend this to your friends, colleagues and all that you meet. That life is for YOU! It is never against you.
Michael BeckwithBehind every problem, there is a question trying to ask itself... Behind every question there is an answer trying to reveal itself. Behind every answer there is an action trying to take place. And behind every action there is a way of life trying to be born.
Michael BeckwithA spiritual intention is a resounding YES to awakening to your fullest potential. It may include several of your life structures: mental, emotional, financial, relational - because there is no aspect of your life that is not spiritual.
Michael BeckwithLove: You're not meant to wait for it. You're not meant to search for it. You're meant to generate it.
Michael BeckwithOur journey into consciousness of wealth begins with the realization that we have already arrived!
Michael Beckwith