I enjoy playing real human beings after playing a lot of larger than life characters. I love playing true to life characters and that is what I intend to do for the majority of my career.
Michael Jai WhiteI was pretty much a child of Monty Python. I grew up loving that type of humor and even structured a lot of humor in the same fashion.
Michael Jai WhiteMy favorite TV couple is Edith and Archie Bunker. Because they were such individuals that I can't imagine anyone else playing them. And I think that Archie was one of the greatest characters ever on television. Even with his flaws, you loved him.
Michael Jai WhiteI'm a big Harrison Ford fan. I kind of pattern a lot of things after him, the way that he's an every man. He's one of the biggest action stars ever, but he transcends that term because he's such a good actor. I tend to really appreciate the stuff he's done.
Michael Jai WhiteJust by nature, I think in comedy. I think in sketches and what have you. In every drama or action movie I've been in, I have to make a concerted effort not to turn it into a comedy. Every shot, before action is called and after cut is called, I'm usually in some goofy head space. It feels natural to me.
Michael Jai White