I have a nineteen-month old daughter. I totally don't mind devoting time to her. When you have a kid, it's hard to go out to the movies. I really don't know what's going on with comic book movies.
Michael Jai WhiteDirecting was a natural thing for me. Actually, it was far less stressful directing than being the lead actor. I was able to have my input in all aspects of it.
Michael Jai WhiteThe first movie I ever saw was a blaxploitation movie. It was called 'Monkey Hustle.' Like I said, just listen to the name. That's a blaxploitation movie. It had these incredible, bigger-than-life images of people who looked like I did. Or who looked like I wanted to look like.
Michael Jai WhiteRecognizing absolutely depends on the public that I'm out with. If I'm in Atlanta, it's definitely Why Did I Get Married. If I'm in Seattle, it's Spawn or something like that. I'm known for a lot of different things. People will call me Bone a lot, the action aficionados.. People who like comedy, they call me Black Dynamite.
Michael Jai White