Whatever you do, make a difference. Earn the right to look back at something and say, 'I did that.'
Michael JosephsonEthics is not for wimps. It's not easy being a good person. That's why it's such a lofty goal and an admirable achievement
Michael JosephsonPhysical courage to a person of honour is easier and less risky than acts that could subject him to embarrassment or humiliation or a diminished career or reputation. These things he must live with. To die for honor is an easier thought to bear.
Michael JosephsonSuccessful or not, acts of physical courage always bring honor. It is the smaller forms of valor - standing up for principle at the risk of social disapproval, economic loss or injury to career - that require the greatest moral will power. Since there is usually little upside to winning and a significant and often lasting downside to losing, moral courage often requires as much character as physical bravery.
Michael Josephson