Ordinary people, even weak people, can do extraordinary things through temporary courage generated by a situation. But the person of character does not need the situation to generate his courage. It is a part of his being and a standard approach to all life's challenges.
Michael JosephsonSuccess in anything important rarely comes without the Five Horsemen of Success: planning, effort, positivity, perseverance and resilience.
Michael JosephsonIf you are the boss it's wise to remember that there are lots of things you don't know and lots of people who hope you won't find out.
Michael JosephsonUsing the phrase business ethics might imply that the ethical rules and expectations are somehow different in business than in other contexts. There really is no such thing as business ethics. There is just ethics and the challenge for people in business and every other walk in life to acknowledge and live up to basic moral principles like honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness and caring.
Michael JosephsonCharacter is both formed and revealed by how one deals with everyday situations as well as extraordinary pressures and temptations. Like a well-made tower, character is built stone by stone, decision by decision.
Michael JosephsonNever underestimate the power of temptation to disarm your better senses. Throughout the ages good people surrendered their honor for the empty promise that wealth or power would bring fulfillment and their dignity, good name and self-esteem for the passing pleasures of sex and drugs.
Michael Josephson