The news is a public service. It's a way to inform people of what's going on in their world. And when you make it about ratings and make it about ad dollars, there's no incentive to inform people. The incentive is to be sensationalistic and get as many people to watch as you can without any regard for truth or objectivity.
Michael SchurTopical-sketch writing were incredibly rational and well reasoned: don't do a joke if the subject doesn't deserve it. An ad hominem attack on someone might get you a cheap laugh, but it doesn't earn you any long-term trust. The biggest rule was: you attack whoever's in power. Don't bring your personal bias to the table.
Michael SchurThe best shows are always the ones that are very, very low-concept and just about great characters.
Michael SchurFor storytelling purposes, there has to be conflict, but that doesn't mean the people have to be mean. I've never liked mean-spirited comedy.
Michael SchurI hate this phrase, but it's a "can do" attitude [that's important] that, whatever you do in life, you should have.
Michael SchurI think if you're too concerned with being cool or hip or liked, you can't really make good TV because sincerity and coolness are opposites.
Michael SchurI find Billy Eichner to be hilarious, though I also imagine that for many, a little goes a long way. Billy provides a kind of comedy the Parks and Recreations show did not have - an insane person screaming at everyone, and our job going forward, as it is with all of our characters, is to develop him and make him more three dimensional.
Michael Schur