Examples teach us that in military affairs, and all others of a like nature, study is apt to enervate and relax the courage of man, rather than to give strength and energy to the mind.
Michel de MontaigneMen of simple understanding, little inquisitive and little instructed, make good Christians.
Michel de MontaigneWere I to live my life over again, I should live it just as I have done. I neither complain of the past, nor do I fear the future.
Michel de MontaigneIt was truly very good reason that we should be beholden to God only, and to the favour of his grace, for the truth of so noble a belief, since from his sole bounty we receive the fruit of immortality, which consists in the enjoyment of eternal beatitude.... The more we give and confess to owe and render to God, we do it with the greater Christianity.
Michel de Montaigne