It is in vain that we get upon stilts, for once on them, it is still with our legs that we must walk. And on the highest throne in the world we are still sitting on our own ass.
Michel de MontaigneThis very Rome that we behold deserves our love ...: the only common and universal city.
Michel de MontaigneThe desire for riches is more sharpened by their use than by their need. Pleasing all: a mark that can never be aimed at or hit.
Michel de MontaigneThe world always looks straights ahead; as for me, I turn my gaze inward, I fix it there and keep it busy. Everyone looks in front of him: as for me, I look inside me: I have no business but with myself; I continually observe myself, I take stock of myself, I taste myself. Others...they always go forward; as for me, I roll about in myself.
Michel de Montaigne