The photographer in Blow-Up, who is not a philosopher, wants to see things closer up. But it so happens that, by enlarging too far, the object itself decomposes and disappears. Hence there's a moment in which we grasp reality, but then the moment passes. This was in part the meaning of Blow-Up.
Michelangelo AntonioniTill now I have never shot a scene without taking account of what stands behind the actors because the relationship between people and their surroundings is of prime importance.
Michelangelo AntonioniI think people talk too much; that's the truth of the matter. I do. I don't believe in words. People use too many words and usually wrongly. I am sure that in the distant future people will talk much less and in a more essential way. If people talk a lot less, they will be happier. Don't ask me why.
Michelangelo AntonioniYou can't go to an LSD or pot party unless you take it yourself. If I want to go, I must take drugs myself.
Michelangelo Antonioni