The current health care takeover proposals feature a crucial payoff to Big Labor - a golden exemption from any tax on union members' generous health care benefits. The friends and patrons of Obama may be making out like bandits. But for everyone else, the Democrats' ideological bankruptcy comes at a nauseatingly steep price.
Michelle MalkinLiberals see racism where it doesn't exist, fabricate it when they can't find it and ignore it within their own ranks.
Michelle MalkinThe core failure of Team Obama is not a failure to communicate, but a failure to comprehend.
Michelle MalkinNothing symbolizes American strength and vigor more than another unaccountable Washington bureaucrat.
Michelle MalkinWithin two weeks of moving into the White House, Obama signed a series of executive orders championed by union bosses. The new rules authorized sweeping powers for the labor secretary that essentially blackball nonunion contractors targeted by labor organizers and blacklist nonunion employees in the private sector from working on taxpayer-funded projects.
Michelle MalkinHouse GOP Leader John Boehner on Monday rightly sounded the alarm over billions in stimulus tax dollars that could potentially go to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). But the Republican leadership has only scratched the surface over what amounts to a bottomless slush fund for a bigger coalition of housing entitlement thugs.
Michelle Malkin