We could teach photography as a way to make a living, and best of all, somehow to get students to experience for themselves photography as a way of life.
Minor WhiteIf all your life means to you is water running over rocks, then photograph it, but I want to create something that would not have existed without me.
Minor WhiteCamera and eye are together a time machine with which the mind and human being can do the same kind of violence to time and space as dreams.
Minor WhiteWhile we cannot describe its appearance (the equivalent), we can define its function. When a photograph functions as an Equivalent we can say that at that moment, and for that person the photograph acts as a symbol or plays the role of a metaphor for something that is beyond the subject photographed.
Minor WhiteDifferent levels of photography require different levels of understanding and skill. A "press the button, let George do the rest" photographer needs little or no technical knowledge of photography. A zone system photographer takes more responsibility. He visualizes before he presses the button, and afterwards calibrates for predictable print values.
Minor White