If you happen to be the only one with negative interest rates, you also weaken your currency, which means you make your exports more competitive.
Mohamed El-ErianAs we spend more, and as companies are pushed to invest, they say, "Hey wait a minute! There's more demand in the system. Let's invest more."
Mohamed El-ErianAs a whole, investors should welcome attempts to safeguard the integrity of markets. You need very clear rules applied to markets.
Mohamed El-ErianThe one instrument that has relative political autonomy is monetary policy. Central banks do not need to go to Congress to get approval for an interest rate hike.
Mohamed El-ErianIt is hard to imagine that, having downgraded the US, S & P will not follow suit on at least one of the other members of the dwindling club of sovereign AAAs. If this were to materialise and involve a country like France, for example, it could complicate the already fragile efforts by Europe to rescue countries in its periphery.
Mohamed El-Erian