All the ills of mankind, all the tragic misfortunes that fill the history books, all the political blunders, all the failures of the great leaders have arisen merely from a lack of skill at dancing.
MoliereI might, by chance, write something just as shoddy; But then I wouldn't show it to everybody.
MoliereOne cannot but mistrust a prospect of felicity: one must enjoy it before one can believe in it.
MoliereWe ought always to conform to the manners of the greater number, and so behave as not to draw attention to ourselves. Excess either way shocks, and every man truly wise ought to attend to this in his dress as well as language, never to be affected in anything and follow without being in too great haste the changes of fashion.
MoliereNo matter what everybody says, ultimately these things can harm us only by the way we react to them.
MoliereNo one is safe from slander. The best way is to pay no attention to it, but live in innocence and let the world talk.
MoliereWe must take the good with the bad; For the good when it's good, is so very good That the bad when it's bad can't be bad!
MoliereThe most effective way of attacking vice is to expose it to public ridicule. People can put up with rebukes but they cannot bear being laughed at: they are prepared to be wicked but they dislike appearing ridiculous.
MoliereShow some mercy to this chair which has stretched out its arms to you for so long; please satisfy its desire to embrace you!
MoliereThere's nothing quite like tobacco: it's the passion of decent folk, and whoever lives without tobacco doesn't deserve to live.
MoliereAs the purpose of comedy is to correct the vices of men, I see no reason why anyone should be exempt.
MoliereIf everyone were clothed with integrity, if every heart were just, frank, kindly, the other virtues would be well-nigh useless.
MoliereThere is no reward so delightful, no pleasure so exquisite, as having one's work known and acclaimed by those whose applause confers honor.