Gold is the key, whatever else we try; and that sweet metal aids the conqueror in every case, in love as well as war.
MoliereBirth is nothing without virtue, and we have no claim to share in the glory of our ancestors unless we endeavor to resemble them.
MoliereThe general public is easy. You don't have to answer to anyone; and as long as you follow the rules of your profession, you needn't worry about the consequences. But the problem with the powerful and rich is that when they are sick, they really want their doctors to cure them.
MoliereWhen we are understood, we always speak well, and then all your fine diction serves no purpose.
MoliereGrammar, which knows how to lord it over kings, and with high hands makes them obey its laws.
MoliereNew-born desires, after all, have inexplicable charms, and all the pleasure of love is in variety.
MoliereEvery good act is charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.
MoliereWhat! Would you make no distinction between hypocrisy and devotion? Would you give them the same names, and respect the mask as you do the face? Would you equate artifice and sincerity? Confound appearance with truth? Regard the phantom as the very person? Value counterfeit as cash?
MoliereWe live under a prince who is an enemy to fraud, a prince whose eyes penetrate into the heart, and whom all the art of impostors can't deceive.
MoliereThere is something inexpressibly charming in falling in love and, surely, the whole pleasure lies in the fact that love isn't lasting.
MoliereThe more we love our friends, the less we flatter them; it is by excusing nothing that pure love shows itself.
MoliereNo matter what Aristotle and the Philosophers say, nothing is equal to tobacco; it's the passion of the well-bred, and he who lives without tobacco lives a life not worth living.
MoliereIt may cost me twenty thousand francs; but for twenty thousand francs, I will have the right to rail against the iniquity of humanity, and to devote to it my eternal hatred.