To strip yourself from a lot of the things around you that make you comfortable is a really challenging thing that most of us don't do or don't get a chance to do.
Morgan SpurlockYou come downstairs, turn off the TV, and then and your son says, 'Daddy, I want to get that wrestling set, and all the pieces are sold separately.' The minute he quotes a commercial verbatim, that's when he's had enough TV.
Morgan SpurlockThe more we can be honest about ourselves as filmmakers, than the more we can be honest with people who see the films.
Morgan SpurlockWhen I experience something or feel something, that's kind of transferred to the audience. There's a lot of great breakthrough moments that come out of that.
Morgan SpurlockThe food is absolutely atrocious, and parents have no idea. Parents are giving their kids three dollars and saying, 'Okay, see you later. Go off to school and have a good lunch.'
Morgan SpurlockOne of my beliefs as a filmmaker is that if you can make somebody laugh, you can make them listen. With laughter, you can get somebody's guard down, you can open them up to listening to you. They don't feel like they're being preached to or talked down to. I think it helps, it makes really hard to understand information a little more accessible and palatable. And at the end of the day, it makes a movie a little more fun. It doesn't feel so heavy handed.
Morgan Spurlock