Crossing too many t's and dotting too many i's makes a room look overdone and tiresome. One should create something that fires the imagination without overemphasis.
Nancy LancasterIn restoring a house one must first realize its period, feel its personality and try to bring out its good points.
Nancy LancasterI like to preserve simplicity rahter than over-polishing. Fashions are changeable. Taste is in realizing the essence of a place.
Nancy LancasterHow lucky I've been to live in such beautiful places and able to make them as I dreamed. I've been lucky. I've adored my houses more than my friends (or husbands).
Nancy LancasterI've always liked a formal layout and informal planting," she explained. "First get the structure right, like the bones in a face, then plant it like a crowded shoe. If you have a strong layout, you can let the plants seed themselves all over the place. Haphazard, unexpected... I like to be surprised by a garden.
Nancy Lancaster